Art Teacher / Учитель ИЗО (английский язык, кембриджская программа)

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Размещено 15 февраля

Heritage Education Group is a group of companies that arranges and develops a network of international schools both in Russia and abroad. Our mission is to educate the leaders of tomorrow, providing the knowledge, skills and values they need to make our world a better place. We consistently enhance our educational product and utilize innovative educational technologies. Currently, we operate three campuses. We are seeking a Art Teacher to join our Cambridge Curriculum Department. Responsibilities: To conduct lessons in accordance with the Curriculum, School Academic plan and schedule (the lessons are conducted in English); To teach students according to their educational needs, abilities, taking into account individual potential of the students; To prepare decorations for School events (Knowledge Day, Talent Show, Christmas Concert, Graduation Day and other); To arrange, coordinate and participate in School life and activities; To provide necessary support during childrens adaptation period; To create friendly atmosphere during classes; To record and report students progress as per the School guidelines; To communicate, consult and co-operate with other members of the School staff and parents to ensure the best interest of students. Requirements: We are seeking a professional who has relevant international curriculum experience (that would be significant advantage), can promote a well-organised learning environment and demonstrate a positive approach to students; University degree in Pedagogy and Art disciplines; Academic background; Teaching experience not less than 3 years; Knowledge and use of modern teaching methods and programmes; Using a student-centered approach to every child; Creative approach, desire to go beyond the standard framework of the academic programme; International mindset and ability to work in an international environment; High sense of responsibility; Competent speech, politeness, benevolence; Fluency in English is a must, ability to arrange classes in English; PC User (keeping school records in electronic form), multimedia equipment (interactive multi-touch screen board). Conditions: Getting unique experience in an international team; Opportunities for professional and career growth; Permanent work, employment in accordance with Russian Labor Code; Pedagogical leave - 56 days + additional paid vacation days provided by the company (up to 76 in total for the full Academic year); Social package - medical insurance after 3 months of work; Free, tasty and healthy lunches; Five-day working week (Monday - Friday), schedule 8.00 to 17.00; Modern and comfortable school near the metro station "Преображенская площадь".

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